You can review the comprehensive list of products (including patents, journal papers, conference proceedings, etc.): Google Scholar
As of December 2022, h-index: 25; Citations > 1900
Selected Recent Projects:
Fast Track Ultrasonic Imaging of Concrete Bridge Decks (PI)
The objective of this study is to monitor and collect data about the health of our nation’s aging bridges simply by driving on them.
Structured Use of Metacognitive Activities in a Flipped Undergraduate Engineering Course to Enhance Learning and Professional Skill Development (PI)
The objective of this study is to to investigate the student learning outcomes when systematic metacognitive activities are used within a flipped undergraduate fluid mechanics course curriculum versus when they are not.
Controlling Liquid Wetting of Textured Surfaces via Ultrasound (co-PI)
The objective of this study is to investigate how ultrasound can be used to change the wetting state of a liquid on a surface based on the relationship between the size scale of the surface texture and the vibration frequency.
Funding agency: NSF
EAGER: A Surface Acoustic Wave Device for High-Resolution
Atherosclerotic Plaque Inspection (PI)
The objective of this study is to investigate a low power, biocompatible
microfabricated surface acoustic wave transducer for detailed interrogation
of arterial plaque composition to quantify its vulnerability to rupture.
Funding agency: NSF
SBIR Phase I: Acoustic Emission on a Chip (AECHIP) - (University PI)
The objective of this study is to develop Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based on acoustic emission (AE) sensors for structural health monitoring.
Funding agency: NSF thru WavesInSolids LLC
A Novel, Low Cost, Ultra-sensitive Nanosensor for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer (PI)
The objective of this study is to develop and test an innovative low-cost acoustic-based nanosensor to detect ovarian cancer early.
Funding agency: Florida Department of Health
Microfluidic-Acoustic Biosensing Multicell Tumoroid Platform (co-PI)
The objective of this study is to develop and test an innovative and robust
integrated microfluidic acoustic biosensing 3D tumoroids platform
to personalize cancer therapy.
Funding agency: Florida Department of Health
CHS: Small: Investigation of Dynamic Thermal Perception over Large Skin Areas (Co-PI)
The objective of this study is to investigate how the human sensorimotor system perceives temperatures and how these temperatures couple with emotions.
Funding agency: NSF
Large Stroke Microscale Actuators Based on Electrowetting (co-PI)
The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that lumped parameter models and basic scaling laws can predict the dynamic forces applied by microscale electrowetting actuators.
Funding agency: NSF